As we continue to trust God through these uncertain days, the mission of Christ Fellowship remains the help you follow Jesus. Our regathering phases are designed to empower our families and you to choose the best engaging environments to help you thrive, not only spiritually, but also physically during this pandemic.
Money & Life
Here are some recent messages on trusting and obeying God with your finances.
Bible Reading Plans
Want to learn what the Bible has to say about money and generosity? Read these great daily devotionals right on your phone:
Financial Fitness by Rick Warren
The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey
Financial Wisdom from Proverbs by Dave Ramsey
How to be Rich by Andy Stanley
In our finance classes, we use a variety of different budget forms to help us be intentional in our financial management. Here are a few of our favorite free resources:
Quick Start Budget
Dave Ramsey's Quick Start Budget. This is a simple form for those working on a budget for the first time.
Monthly Cash Flow Plan
Dave Ramsey's complete Monthly Cash Flow Plan. A more comprehensive budget template that helps you plan to spend every dollar.
Irregular Income Planning
Dave Ramsey's Irregular Income Planning form. This is a great resource for self-employed people, or for people on commission.
Recommended Percentages
Want to check to see if your spending is in the normal range? Check out Dave Ramsey's Recommended Budget Percentages.